Born in embarrassingly beautiful Santa Barbara, my work is informed by a bachelors in Theater Arts, an associates in Ecological Restoration, and a suspicion that the Universe has a wicked sense of humor. My passion for entertainment took me to Los Angeles, where I worked as a screenwriter, actress, climbing coach, creative writing tutor, musician, carpenter, set decorator, prop designer, VR attendant, production assistant, compost coordinator, and of course, nanny and waitress. I returned to Santa Barbara in 2021 and have worked as a gardener, interpretive sign designer, botany and chemistry tutor, and Herbarium Technician. But don’t let that scare you – I’m fairly sure my circuitous journey is starting to make sense.
My creations are an effort to illuminate and communicate nature’s marvelous complexities in surprising ways; to throw light on the shadows and sneak science into art and art into comedy and comedy into education and back again. We are ecosystems living in ecosystems, surrounded by math and music and beauty. Let’s rock!
– Jessica Kathryn Spaw